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Astrodienst: Astrology for June 2020

I don’t have time myself to do this now, but psychological astrologer Liz Greene’s astrology site astrodienst.com is one source that I tend to trust..

BTW: Have you noticed that the pandemic “fear” virus has now transmogrified into the pandemonium “anger” virus? If you feel yourself quick to anger and to judge, especially today, June 3, when Sun/Venus Rx in (mental) Gemini form a square to Mars in (emotional) Pisces, don’t be surprised!

Notice how the mind’s thoughts trigger furious feelings. And vice versa. 

Let go, let go, let go!

From astrodienst monthly newsletter:


Image: GeminiThe first two weeks of June will carry some underlying tension and confusion. On June 3, the Sun and Venus are in conjunction in Gemini and form a square to Mars in Pisces. Despite all the fine words, many a doubt could remain. Especially the Full Moon on the Sagittarius-Gemini axis on June 5 (with a penumbral lunar eclipse) squaring Mars and Neptune points to a time of fierce discussions about truth and error. Mercury forms a square to Chiron at the same time. Don’t believe everything you hear, but don’t believe everything you think either!

When the Sun squares Neptune on June 11, and Mars is in conjunction with Neptune two days later, feelings of helplessness may spread here and there. Do not be discouraged if things do not turn out as you expected, but consciously allow yourself a short or even a longer break. Mercury will turn retro on June 18 (until July 12). With the exception of Mars, all personal planets are now moving backwards through the zodiac – this is a good time to process what has happened over the past few months.

Image: Eclipse in CancerThe solstice on June 20/21 has a special significance this year, because only a few hours after the Sun enters Cancer, an eclipse will take place. During this time a lot of things could become visible that were previously in the dark. This can be a powerful impulse for joint action. Unrealistic or childish expectations, however, could lead to frustration. Try to find an attitude that is consistent with reality during this time.

Venus ends her retrograde phase on June 25 and brings a breath of air into the interpersonal realm. Mars enters Aries on June 28 and, after a prolonged phase of hesitation, regains courage. But even pent-up aggression could now be released in a less than pleasant manner. All decisions and actions during this time have great weight and long-term effects, as Jupiter and Pluto form their second conjunction in Capricorn on 30 June. Responsible action for the benefit of the greater good is now indispensable.

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Will check out this reference. Thanks!
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Fixed. Thank you!
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