ARKCroneCast #12 silver and gold tier access for Patreon subscribers:
Chapter One: DEATH AND THE MAIDEN, from Ten Tools for Transformation
In this book I talk about the ten tools I use to help me both stay on course and amplify my own evolutionary process. These tools help give my life shape, meaning, and direction. They assist me in overcoming old habits which tend to make me stuck. Most of them, moreover, are “free.” : they do not depend on buying anything or paying an expert for anything. I write this book for all those who think I, and others like me, have no fear. As if fear automatically stops us. As if, when we are afraid, we are excused from following our soul’s call.
Chapter One of Ten Tools was especially difficult for me to record, at least the first few pages — as you will realize if you listen to it. Yes. My first ‘tool for transformation” was Death! Something I encountered in full psychic force as a tiny child — and it torqued my life profoundly. Plus, due to my own techie gaffes, I had to re-record those first few pages three times! Grrrr . . .
Producer Gabby, who edits the kinks (coughs, dog barks, mispronounced words, etc) from these ARKCroneCasts, had her work cut out for her! But as she said, “you got into the flow as time went on.” Yes. This morning, she emailed me her response to this week’s audio:
“This is a GREAT chapter. My heart hurt for little Annie and every soul carrying the reality of that nuclear horror around with them. Now I understand you in a way I hadn’t before! It made me want to revisit/hear more about the Baby Picture Project. Perhaps a video story about that next week? This way, when CC #12 is available to the public in a month, that story would follow the next week. Give it some thought!” ~ G
Yes! I agreed, immediately. Let’s do that! The BPP is the initiative closest to my heart, and has yet to truly flower. Just like these ARKCroneCasts: very few Patreon subscribers so far! But, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 77 years, it’s to never give up. If a project feels right to me, then I do it, no matter how long it takes to grab hold. How fitting that I should say this now, in early 2020. After all . . . It’s Saturn/Pluto time! (Weird: In my mind I keep humming “It’s Saturn/Pluto Time” to yep, the It’s Howdy Doody Time theme song.)
In any case, . . . if you’re at all inclined to support my efforts here and elsewhere, please do! Either with a one-time donation or a Patreon monthly contribution. Either way, everybody gets to see/hear all my offerings within in a month of first offering them to Patreon subscribers. So if you simply can’t afford to help me, I totally understand!
Speaking of which, this week’s free public offering on Patreon is
ARKCroneCast #8: Ella’s Evolutionary Journey
Also available on youtube
The story of my friendship with Ella stretches over decades, and the extraordinary obstacles and miracles of her singular life illustrate well the seriousness of difficulties encountered during this year’s Saturn/Pluto time. Ella died at her second Saturn Return. She was 60 years old.
ARKCroneCasts are produced by Gabracadabra Studios.