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ARKCroneCast Offerings for July 11, 2020: Both on Astrology and Me

Synchronicity! It just happens to be the case that ARKCroneCast #27,  about how I got interested in astrology, and #30, about how I learned astrology, even though published four weeks apart, arrive together this week. The first is for patrons only until four weeks from now. The second for everybody. If you do watch that video (#27), you might want to sign up as a patron to get the audio (#30) on how I actually learned astrology — and do it now, rather than wait four weeks until it’s free. It helps me a lot when people sign up for patronage at $5/month. 

New post for patrons this week is the next audiobook chapter from MY SECRET LIFE: Ten Tools For Transformation of the Self:

CroneCast #30 | Chapter 9: Astrology Part 2, How I Learned Astrology



Public offering on Patreon and Youtube this week is a video:

CroneCast #27 | How I Got Into Astrology


Youtube: https://youtu.be/qv9U6FKGr2s


Why would a person with a Ph.D. in Philosophy succumb to the “nonsense” of astrology? As my medical doctor dad once asked: “why are you wasting your good brain?”

Looking back now, I realize that I utilized astrology to help me switch from left brain dominance to right/left brain integration, and the story of how I did that moves from trivial encounters with astrology when young, through telling my teacher in graduate school that I wanted to “do a paper on Time” (to which he responded, “No, that’s much too difficult),” to the recognition, after I did begin to learn astrology, that I was now actually studying, not just Time, but the movement of Time (cycles) through Space.

But how did I get there? Via a strange, circuitous route, that began in graduate school, with a “breakdown” that was actually a breakthrough, and ended up a few years later with me sitting at a kitchen table, defeated, lost and confused, wondering if astrology could help me make sense of what had happened to me. P.S. It did!

BTW: Astrology is not a “belief system;” astrology is a language. A symbolic language. To begin to study astrology is to automatically open up the right brain. If interested, you might begin by reading Dane Rudyhar, for example, his Astrology of Personality (1970). Widely known as the first “humanistic astrologer,” Rudyhar transformed the old mechanistic, fate-oriented astrology for the 20th century.


2 thoughts on “ARKCroneCast Offerings for July 11, 2020: Both on Astrology and Me”

    1. Ann Kreilkamp

      When we four oldest girls were kids, Mom made us look-alike dresses and turned us into a little quartet, a la the Lennon Sisters on the Tonight show. I called us the Lemon Sisters.

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