That the (usual) young lone male Navy Yard shooter may not have been in his right mind, i.e., that his thoughts and actions may not have been under his own control, leads to the question: if so, then who or what was controlling him?
Pharmaceutical drugs is the most obvious candidate.
Another possibility: Aaron Alexis was a victim of MK Ultra programming, hypnotized, with a trigger set to go off when his handlers decreed.
An even more sinister possibility (if possible that there could be anything more sinister): he was controlled by a directed energy weapon.
If this false flag incident now brings all these possibilities into the light, then we need to go back and ask the same question about all the young lone male patsies since John Kennedy’s death in 1963. That’s 60 years of internal false flag psy-ops terrorism, folks, right under our noses, because we just couldn’t believe that “our government” would be capable of such evil.
Note: for deep, comprehensive research on black ops mind control programs, go to
For an RT Abby Martin interview with whistleblower Roseanne Barr on MK Ultra mind control in Hollywood:
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