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Alt-Epistemology 101: Who still seems to be “telling the truth”? And if not, why not?

I can remember when, in 2001,  the now deceased father of my children talked about a certain internet site that, he said, in the beginning, spoke truth, but then as time went on gradually warped. The site he was referring to was called the wingmakers. A few years later, I noticed that Fred Burks of wanttoknow.info had also noticed the change:

Wingmakers: Changes to Wingmakers website

This was my first introduction to the fact that what might start out as pure, over time can become tainted. So, this is a heads’ up to all of us!

Here’s one psychic who addresses the question. I find her info interesting as it dovetails with my own impressions of Steven Greer.

BTW: You might also find that the comments to this post are very worth reading.

Priority Blog Request: Gatekeepers and Controlled Opposition

March 27, 2017


Q. I have been looking at various celebrities in the alternative media and even those in the mainstream, who supposedly want to change society for the better. Over the years it has become obvious, if you look closely at their words and actions, that many of them are gate keepers or controlled opposition. That means they give us a sense of comfort and satisfaction that there is a change, awakening, exposure, disclosure etc. happening, while in reality keeping us trapped in the same old status quo.

Can you give a short comment on each of the following figures and tell us:
  • At what point in their career they got bought off by the PTW?
  • What leverage is used against them (money, fame, threats)?
  • And, if they are even aware of being toys in a larger game of deception?

Bono from U2 (in their early career they used to create incredibly sophisticated media installations in their concerts to make people aware of the control system, but now Bono is obsessed with his sunglasses and keeps partying with all the worst globalists)

A.  I see that there was this pivotal point where he went from really struggling, (and i hear the term “grit”) to things being easy.  It was at that point when he was approached by some larger and more powerful people that something in him changed.  I see the MTV logo, and see these “powerful people” tied to that media outlet (or something similar).  Bono was getting a huge following and his music was becoming more and more popular.  There was a huge promise of money and fame, and as long as he stayed within certain boundaries, he was on their “good” side.  He didn’t realize he was being manipulated, but he did realize his life was aligning into what he wanted.  Now that he has accomplished many of the things he set out to do, he doesn’t want to shake up his life.  It feels like a form of control, without realizing he is being controlled. I then hear this is the best type of control for the PTW (Powers That Were) because there is no push back.
Edward Snowden (the guy who managed to smuggle 2TB of sensitive data out of a highly secured NSA facility and was able to hide from all of the most powerful intelligence agencies for one month in an airport toilet in Moscow without getting tracked down by them, really?)
A. I don’t see him being connected to the PTW, but rather their enemies.  Their “enemies” are the ones that are helping Snowden, and yes, the current Russian government is an enemy of the PTW. Russia protected him because they ultimately want the information that Snowden is hiding in order to have a bargaining tool (or some kind of blackmail information).  If Russia cannot get it directly, they are hoping by tracking him, they will be able to hack it.  Russia wants what he has, and the Russian government enjoys these “leeks.”
Glenn Greenwald (he was the first to bravely publish Snowden’s revelations of the extent of the surveillance state but now releases obviously manufactured military propaganda in his independent magazine The Intercept)
A. He looks to have published this information because he felt it was the right thing to do.  He was passionate about letting the people know what was really going on regarding privacy.  People started to really look into things and question what they were being told.  I get that right after he published this information, and other stories arose due to it (the trickle down effect was in full force), the PTW took a close look and knew they had to do some kind of damage control.  He was approached and threatened.  At first he ignored it, and then the threats escalated to where he got scared (they threatened family).  He was allowed to release some approved truths (because that is what the people were looking for) but he had to incorporate some of “their” stories too (the PTW are dominantly Democratic and very anti-Trump).  I get he does not feel good at the direction this is going, but he fears he cannot go in any other way.
Jacob Appelbaum (is an ex-Wikileaks member, underground hacker and charismatic speaker for online privacy and yet he keeps recommending people to use the supposedly safe network Tor, which is known to be have been compromised many years ago by the NSA. In general he seems to know more about the current state of surveillance than he admits)
A. He was approached a long time ago.  When the PTW could not get to Snowden in time, they went after anyone associated or capable to providing assistance.  He was approached and they attempted to pay him off.  At first he didn’t take the bribe, but then they added a dose of fear to the bribe, which he took.  I see him standing there and staring at these two guys.  They told him, “you will do what we tell you, so you may as well take the money.”  Appelbaum took it, got in his car, and as he was driving he got so nauseous at this situation he had to pull over to get sick. He sort of did this mental disconnect, and from that point forward he knew that he lost control.
Steven Greer (he made disclosure a household term by organizing a UFO press conference in Washington in 2001, but since then has been spreading lots of disinformation about extraterrestrials, holding back the best of his witness testimony, and in general has a really, really weird vibe). 

A. He does feel like a plant from some other government organization.  I want to say CIA (but it isn’t exactly called that??).  It looks like the topic of UFOs could no longer be hidden, so rather than let random truths out, they (the PTW) organized a way to let these truths out in a controlled way.  This government organization looks like they allow a certain amount of non-classified info out, but only enough to keep people slightly satisfied.  I get that Greer is more like an orchestrated character as the face of PTW’s subtle disclosure than an independent man that went rogue.

 And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

[A few follow-ups..]

– it must be very frustrating for these initially free-thinking minds to be under constant duress and lie to the public. Are some of them trying to tell the bigger truth via different oulets, such as close friends, fiction, Freudian slips, etc.?
I get to pay close attention to conflicts as they communicate.  For example, if they are showing a diagram, and it appears there is a time delay with what they are saying, this is a clue it isn’t right.  They are not able to (generally speaking) do this as often as they want, but there is some premeditation when they feel they can.  Also pay attention to slip ups, but these get edited, so they are not as blatant.  As I type this I see them using their eyes when they are not speaking truthfully (they look to look up or look up to the side, and it is involuntary).

– Snowden really pulled this stunt off all by himself? Unbelievable. Judging by the latest Wikileaks releases the NSA should have located him and his laptops anywhere in the world within 24 hours via any phone, TV, street camera, fridge, electricity socket or even his probable implants.
He did use assistance from the enemies of the PTW.  I hear that the enemy of his enemy is really his friend.

– Very sorry to hear the situation about Appelbaum; he seemed to be a good guy at heart. The information he reveals about the hacking capabilities of the US are staggering. So is he just holding back the deeper info or spreading disinformation?
He sprinkles a little bit of truth, but the disinfo agents have him under close scrutiny.  He is very limited in his abilities at the time.


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