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43 days until the most consequential election in U.S. history — what is your role and mine?

For our July 4th celebration during Covid-time, rather than a big Community Dinner here at Green Acres Permaculture Village we gathered, just eight of us who live here, to sing a cappella three patriotic songs, the lyrics of each reminding us of this beautiful land upon which we are privileged to dwell. A few days later I posted this. Please read the intro!

THIS REVOLUTIONARY MOMENT: Here, for each of us to grab hold.

Last night I came across this little video, which spoke to me so clearly of the light and love that flows through the young when they are truly energized, rather than robotically, demonically, acting out antifa-style violence.

I remember being struck by another little video from a month or so ago, which I can’t locate now, showing a young man who began to energetically sing and dance so powerfully that he ended up transforming what had threatened to become a violent confrontation during a BLM protest. Soon, rather than hating each other, people were moving and singing to the same rhythm.

The point is, during this prolonged, agonizing period when Mars in incendiary Aries (conjunct “discontented goddess” Eris and “bad girl” Lilith!) squares (fuels) this year’s ongoing Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter in Capricorn purgation of all the gunk that lies at the bottom of the collective unconscious, let us become energy transformers, each of us, in our own way. Much is at stake, which, BTW those who fought to free this land from the British realized; in fact, they were “willing to die standing.”

(Are we willing to die standing? Is full-on regeneration of this magnificent nation even possible? What do we need to learn from the completion of the first 248 year cycle of Pluto in order to start over again in a transformed manner? See the above post.)

Here’s the moving story behind The Star-Spangled Banner,” one of the three songs we sang here, on July 4th.

Tomorrow, we will gather again, just us again, this time bundled up, to celebrate Autumn Equinox on the patio, at 9:00 AM, for a 24 minute meditation heading into the moment of Equinox (9:30 AM EDT) — before heading to the living room of this Overhill house for brunch.

For our ceremony, we plan to listen to a guided meditation by Jean Hudon. Join us!


And check this out:

Might this lead to something? Via Rose Interesting that it comes from buzzfeed, which I think of as a leftist source, but pretty even-handed here.


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August 15, 2021 at 10:27 pm
Thank You, Sydney and Team Kraken, for…
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August 9, 2021 at 6:44 pm
Will check out this reference. Thanks!
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The fact that a bunch of psychopaths…
August 9, 2021 at 5:05 pm
Fixed. Thank you!
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