My brother-in-law John emailed me this morning, wondering if I had heard about the new book, “Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul.” I had not, but its subject is exactly the right one, I think, for us to even begin to reorient ourselves to a deeply uncertain future. So I ordered it from
Die Wise does not offer seven steps for coping with death. It does not suggest ways to make dying easier. It pours no honey to make the medicine go down. Instead, with lyrical prose, deep wisdom, and stories from his two decades of working with dying people and their families, Stephen Jenkinson places death at the center of the page and asks us to behold it in all its painful beauty. Die Wise teaches the skills of dying, skills that have to be learned in the course of living deeply and well. Die Wise is for those who will fail to live forever.
Meanwhile, here’s a little trailer for the book.
And meanwhile, I started to investigate this Stephen Jenkinson further, and oh my, what an unusual mind/spirit/soul! Feel myself flowing, right now, with gratitude for this rich new vein to mine.