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Saturn in Scorpio, mid-June through mid-September: Some of what it portends

Well, wouldn’t you know. Another synchronicity. But I should have expected this one . . .

Two days ago I surprised myself by deciding, on the spur of the moment, to “read” the astro chart for one of my young friends. In our discussion, I mentioned that transit Saturn had just returned for a final three-month foul purge through Scorpio, and in an effort to tell her what that might portend, I somehow segued onto the subject of government mind control programs. She looked skeptical. I told her I had actually printed the pdf of a manuscript of one woman’s story, because I had found it so compelling —

Thanks for the Memories

— and right then and there ran down to the basement and dug it out of a pile. She started reading, had trouble putting it down, but then, when I asked, said she was “skeptical.”

I was too, of the first account I read of a mind-controlled slave (see today’s shooting) back in 2000; in fact I put down Trance Formation of America as just too unbelievable the first time I tried to read it.

Then, several hours later, this new post popped up on my screen.

Royal Nazi Human Hunting Parties

I decided not to send my young friend this story, however, as I sensed she was already in shock.

So yes, also two days ago, June 16, the very same day as New Moon conjunct Mars and I read her astro chart, Saturn re-entered Scorpio from its nearly six-month run up and back through the early degrees of Sagittarius. Saturn will remain in Scorpio for parts of four months, until September 17, 2015.

Saturn sludges back into Scorpio to vomit up more ghastly, disgusting, undigestible news of all sorts of horror stories in high places, often featuring drugs, blackmail, depraved sexuality, rape and “snuffing” of young children, human trafficking, on and on. We got used to it over the two years of Saturn’s passage through that sign. On the other hand, we never get used to it. Never really grow accustomed to such horrific skullduggery when we ourselves claim to be — and are, comparatively speaking — mostly naive and innocent.

You might want to grit your teeth and hold on. For the above is the kind of story we are likely to see more of during the next three months as we collectively scour the very bottom of the human capacity for evil; we are purging, bringing into the open for healing, pustules of what had been so hidden that anyone who mentioned it was branded a “conspiracy theorist.”

On the other hand, though posted only a few days ago, it’s hard to know when that particular story was written, because it mentions the Jimmy Savile scandal as if it’s current. You might want to bring yourself up to date with the same kind of story exposed recently in Hampstead England, involving a school, parents, children, teachers . . . My young friend had heard of the Hampstead scandal, so hopefully, that had primed her. Otherwise the shock might have been even more profound.

Alisa_Gabriel2The story of Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places


Of course further exposure of child rape, murder and trafficking is not all to be revealed during these four months, but we do need to face up to what we humans have allowed, especially because the rest of us just keep on believing it’s not possible.

1 thought on “Saturn in Scorpio, mid-June through mid-September: Some of what it portends”

  1. well you nailed it with all those repugnant adjectives & disgusting imagery Ann! Having also read Ms.O’Brien’s booklet, it is revelatory. You wonder how it can be true but also how could, why, anyone would make up such a ‘story’ if it weren’t true. Gerald Ford, Hiliary Bitch? We are all sexual creatures but such depravity is mind boggling except some of us realize in our cores how deep, as you so well put it “the human capacity for evil” goes. I still struggle with accepting that her experiences were actual, but these pedaphilic rings cannot be denied. Let’s hope Saturn & Scorpio do their Tidy Bowl action well and raise the dirt so we can flush it down. Ugly sexual manifestations like these hurting innocents are evil. Think we need as a species to collectively acknowledge them as pathological so we collectively denounce & uproot them. Thank you so much for posting about it; I would be scared to so admire & appreciate your courage.

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