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Post-Capitalism: “We cannot imagine the kind of human beings society will produce once economics is no longer central to life. . .

. . . But we can see their prefigurative forms in the lives of young people all over the world breaking down 20th-century barriers around sexuality, work, creativity and the self.”

In other words, the sharing economy, already practiced wherever hierarchical economic forms try to crush the human spirit — like, now, Greece.

Paul Mason contextualizes the evolution of economics historically and metaphysically — and with a transformed future in mind. I’ve almost finished reading this essay once, and will work through it, paragraph by paragraph, a second time.

Which reminds me: another orientation for Bloomington’s new Time Bank takes place this evening, 7:00 p.m., at the public library. Podmate Brie is attending, as is Cindy, who drove down from Frankfort, Indiana, this afternoon. She stopped by with some books for the GANG folks, and 6 p.m. will meet Ryan and Andrea at the Bloomington Tool Share to hand over her deceased husband’s power tools.

Cindy and I met on this blog.

Here’s how the article on Post-Capitalism, from the book to be released July 30, ends:

51YOZ9GEs4L._SX325_BO1,204,203,200_All readings of human history have to allow for the possibility of a negative outcome. It haunts us in the zombie movie, the disaster movie, in the post-apocalytic wasteland of films such as The Road or Elysium. But why should we not form a picture of the ideal life, built out of abundant information, non-hierarchical work and the dissociation of work from wages?

We need more than just a bunch of utopian dreams and small-scale horizontal projects. We need a project based on reason, evidence and testable designs, that cuts with the grain of history and is sustainable by the planet. And we need to get on with it.

theguardian, July 17, 2015.

The End of Capitalism Has Begun




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Will check out this reference. Thanks!
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Fixed. Thank you!
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