The Global VillageA Summary of the WorldEarth as a village of 100 people. Almost everybody likes the term Global Village (I.). The term is readily used today especially by writers, broadcasters, politicians and public relation guys, to emphasize the shrinking distances between nations through internet, mobile phones, and cheap flight tickets, as well as the fact that news are traveling with the speed of light around the globe, and they unlikely forget to mention the possibilities of producing and selling “worldwide”, speak, making business/money globally. So, but what does it really look like, our much acclaimed Global Village? If we could shrink the Earth’s population of 7 billion to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look like this: (have in mind, that each of the villagers represents a population of 70 million, thats more than the whole population of France) |
So, let’s have a look at our International Community. First the good news: half of the villagers would be female, the other half would be male. The village would consist of 61 people from Asia, of whom 19 would be from China, and almost 18 would be Indians (the Gandhi type of Indians, people from India), there are 15 people from Africa, 10 guys from Europe, not quite 9 would be from South America and the Caribbean, and 5 from North America and somewhere among the Americans would be the world’s most powerful man, the U.S. president. Their native language would be: 33 would have a Christian background, 22 an Islamic one, almost 14 are Hindus, there are 7 Buddhists, and 2 are atheists. 26 would be under 14 years old.
82 would be from less developed countries with an average income of US$ 5,440 in a year, this is the equivalent disposable income of just $15 a day, but 51 of those would live on less than $2 a day. 18 would be from developed countries with an average income of US$ 32,470 in a year, the equivalent disposable income of $90 a day. 51 of our village people live in areas termed “urban”. Would our little village be in a more developed surrounding actually 75 villagers would live in big cities. The number of people living in urban areas has surpassed the population of rural areas approximately in the year 2005. Half of the entire population on Earth, they all have lost an important connection to the cosmos, because of light pollution in and around large cities, there are only the brightest stars like Deneb, Vega or Altair to be seen, if any. No more milky way, no more real night-sky, no more awe-inspiring perception of the multidimensional aspects of a starry sky. The poor villagers are abandoned with a surrogate of the on and off of lights of houses, enterprises, advertisements, emergency vehicles, traffic lights and TV shows. 60 would live within 100 km (62 miles) of a coastline. About 50 would rely in some manner on coastal and marine habitats for food, building sites, transportation, recreation, and waste disposal. 65 would live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight. (Source: WHO) Half of the villagers would distrust their government (III.)
40 would lack access to basic sanitation and 13 would lack access to safe drinking water. The village’s population would use 77 mobile phones, but they are unequally distributed, some of the villagers would have 2 or more cell phones, other none. 33 would be Internet users, 15 would have Internet access from home and 12 would be active users of Facebook (II.). 33 would believe in witchcraft, ghosts, alien, etc. The number is a rough assumption, but according to a Gallup Poll in Sub-Saharan Africa, 55% of its residents personally believe in witchcraft. According to the poll by the Associated Press and Ipsos, a third of Americans say they believe in ghosts (IV.) (V.). 25 would live in substandard housing or have no home at all. 22 would be overweight (VI.). 17 would be overweight (Source: WHO) 10 would have no job. Villagers with a job would work in agriculture: 36, industry: 21, and services: 43.
The villagers would have 11 cars or light trucks. On the map on the right you see the unequal distribution. 10 would live in least developed countries. 7 would be unable to read and write (age 15 and over). At least 5 would be part of the gay community (nowadays also abbreviated to LGBT or even LGBQT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Queer, and Transgender) (VIII.). 3 would be migrants 1 has visited this website you’re looking at. 1 would have HIV/AIDS (that still means that 70 million! people on Earth are infected). The richest 1 in our village actually owns 40% of the entire wealth. Half of the entire village’s wealth would be in the hands of only 6 people, and most of them would be citizens of the United States. So not everything in our little village is looking good, its citizens are responsible for the rapid depletion of nonrenewable mineral resources and the depletion of forest areas and wetlands. Only some of the townsfolk worry about the extinction of animal and plant species, and the deterioration in air and water quality. According to a serious source they all will live for 67.59 years. When one considers our world from such an incredibly compressed perspective, the need for cooperation, tolerance and understanding becomes glaringly apparent.
More Sources: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – Global Environment Outlook, UNICEF, Population Reference Bureau (PRB), CIA World Factbook — World. Summary of the World Klaus Kästle, Editor Nations Online Project Thanks to L. Burt, USA, C. Perret, UK, Tom Baker, UK, and Bob MacDonald, USA for their suggestions. keywords: global village, summary of the world, 100 people, world population statistics. |
More about population:Population by continents: Africa The Americas Asia Australia/Oceania Europe Population by Country List of population figures from the most to the least populated countries of the world. World Population by continents and countries Most populated cities of the world Human Development Index (HDI) Countries by standards of the UN Human Development Index. First, Second and Third World Countries by Gross National Income Countries in comparison of their gross national income based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) per capita in International Dollars. World Resources Report 2008 |
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