I’m going to be walking in the local parade with my corporate flag again.
Parading with the corporate flag: July 4, 2014
Last year, my young friend Maya helped carry it. She’ll be at her grandparents’ this year. Maya’s Mom is a 7th generation Hoosier; that makes Maya the 8th — amazing, for me, who, through “reverse migration,” traveled here from the west where settlers’ roots are shallow.
So I’m looking for another person who wants to help me carry the flag. I see this activity as a sociological experiment: How many people along the parade route even notice what we are doing? Last year, about one out of 100 waved, or cheered, or clapped. I assume that these who do notice the corporate logos in place of stars are on the same wavelength, and will be especially interested this year to see if they cheer or clap more loudly, not caring if they “stick out” from the crowd. That will give me some kind of idea as to how many folks in this university town actually are waking up to the corporatocracy.
Meanwhile, here’s one woman’s historical perspective on the dominance/submission drama that’s been recycling here on this prison planet seemingly forever.
The F#cking Criminal Bankers
and Military Industrial Complex….!
Have we really come very far in 2,000 years?