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Monday Morning Chronicles: So where does change begin?

Sorry, can’t resist. Here goes.


Okay, buckle down. What’s new THIS Monday morning, October 20, 2014?

Well, Fulford always weighs in on Monday morning, sometimes with Wilcock’s commentary, like today.

New Ben Fulford blurb, with David Wilcock’s skeptical commentary.

BTW: I too, have a sense that both ISIS and Ebola (Zen Gardner calls it “eboloney.” Nice!) have reached their peak and are beginning to wind down. If so, what new psy-op next?

I thought maybe it would be this strange underwater business off the coast of Stockholm, but now it appears, at least according to RT (consider the source, as ever), that what lurked there might have been a Dutch sub, not the Russkies after all. Darn! There goes that psy-op possibility.

The new channeled information from the spirit of Mathew Ward is of more interest than usual. As ever, he keeps his view of Obama as the meant-to-be world savior whose transformative initiatives have been foiled by the political forces that surround him. In this post he gives his view of historical forces that have brought us to this crux time, with the years 2007-2017 constituting a “delay” in implementing the paradise we are all awaiting, due to unexpected intransigence of the .0001% who continue to resist getting off their hidden thrones. Huh? Unexpected? Interesting, nonetheless.

Mathew’s Message, October 19. Ebola; ISIS; 2007; 2017; NESARA; Earth’s Golden Age master plan; decade of delay, cause and effect; foreknowledge of free will choices

Meanwhile, letting go of both lone rangers like Fulford and Wilcock who claim to have the inside track on Earth, not to mention Mathew Ward and other lone ranger channels from “the other side” as well, I like what Zen Gardner has to say about where we are now. The energies are rising. We can feel it all around us. More importantly, we can feel it in ourselves.

Keep going. What is yours to do? Do that, whether it be inside you, in your household, your yard, your block, your neighborhood, your community. It’s YOURS. No one else can do what you came here to do.

But, you whine, “How do I know what I’m supposed to do?”

Here’s how. Do that first thing, the one that nags at you; the one you’ve been putting off as unrealistic and impossible, or just “Too hard; it would upset too many people, too many habits, too many systems. My security, and that of my family, would be at risk. Just can’t.”

Well, then, so why does it still keep following you around? Just do it. The impossible has a way of morphing into miracle. I know. I’ve been there. At this point, when the momentum for doing that first thing — and it may be infinitesimally small and intensely potent, both! — has ignited your aliveness, then the next thing you’re to do will show itself! Do that, and then the next, on and on. Pay attention to synchronicities, dreams, chance remarks. Yes, pay attention to the miraculous unfolding of your unique life!

Don’t worry about results. Or others’ views of you. Instead, demonstrate, by your own unflinching integrity, your willingness to show up and be counted; demonstrate how, when you do empower yourself, no bogey man will grab you and slit your throat. Or, maybe he will! After all, it’s Halloween time, and zombies are all around us. But YOU ARE NOT A ZOMBIE. Right? Prove it. Prove it to yourself.

If you do not find your voice, and if your voice does not call out it’s intention and act upon it, then there’s a hole in the universe where you’re supposed to be.

The Peaceful Power of Confidence

October 19, 2014

by Zen Gardner



I’ve often said the awakening is happening at a fantastic rate. This has been met with some skepticism, and understandably so, as evidence of this catalytic process can seem unapparent in the barrage of negative news and the absolute stupor most people are still in. Our outside world only appears to be more insane by the day while the reaction of earth’s inhabitants seems to be minimal, even regarding their own openly threatened freedoms and very survival.

But I affirm otherwise.

I’m simply presenting spiritual realities at work that are actually more evident by the day. It just takes the eyes of consciousness to see it fully – in fact, to feel it. We’re learning to rely on new awakening senses and this is a big part of the process. Allowing those vibrations to surface in our hearts and minds and listening to them is the next stage we’re encountering. And then to act on them.

That may seem a stretch to some, but actually we all do this every day. It just depends on our source of information. We take the input and mix it with our levels of understanding with a lot of emotional and past history usually mixed in. We weigh up where we think things are going, try to evaluate it, and then it becomes part of our worldview and in turn affects our actions.

This is exactly why getting to the place of detachment from old patterns and into a more full conscious awareness of the big picture, especially spiritually, is so very important. Otherwise we’re going to reinvent the matrix within and without us with a new look and coat of paint.

Cultivating Confidence
It’s easy to be a skeptic, and we all are to varying degrees. It’s healthy when it comes to anything coming out of the matrix and its juggernaut of disinformation. But regarding spiritual realities and the underlying true and good aspects of the human condition and our amazing Universe we’re all intrinsically connected to, it’s time to imbibe freely and fully partake of the wonder and awe and all it has to offer.

It’s free for the taking by simply allowing it. The experience it brings explains everything, only without words. Not the interpretation of others and all that claptrap although it can be helpful, but our own personal experiential understanding that evolves.

What strikes me when observing the reaction to the manufactured ebola scare roll out or some of these other obvious programs, is how so many are not yet sure footed in their convictions about the fundamentals of spiritual and conscious realities. It’s not in the least bit complicated or some far off, hard to attain mountain to climb. Available to all is such wonderful fundamental truth and personal conviction. It’s something we need to remain grounded in at all times, especially when dealing with all types of information in these whipped up storms of insane common sense reversals, confusion and fear.

When you find that place it gives you a wonderful confidence. This knowledge keeps the smile on your face, the bounce in your step, and most of all the warm and compassionate love in your heart well kindled. But without this anchor of understanding you’ll be lost at sea and tossed about by every wind and wave with no seeming reference point.

Stay the course by confident knowing and operate from there.

It’s Coming Together Quickly

I know many people can feel what I’m talking about. But the evidence of awakening may still seem elusive. However I don’t think it is by any means. As far as recent news, the eugenic Gates Foundation is getting slammed in an Indian court, Monsanto’s taking major hits, the false flags are exposed as soon as they happen, government crackdowns are being stood up to, corruption is being exposed, and the eboloney scam, whatever it turns out to be, is being dissected, trounced and unraveled as fast as the next ridiculous incident happens.

This is all while individuals join the ranks of the awakened continually, which many of us can attest to. This doesn’t even touch on the many spiritual technologies at work amongst the awakened, working hard to change the vibrational field we’re being bombarded with.

Pretty damn cool. As far as exterior signs, I was super encouraged by the Indian courts going after the Gates Foundation over their horrific and fraudulent vaccine program in particular as these arrogant bastards have been marching around the globe pushing their vaccine, chemtrail and GMO crap for far too long. All under the guise of some benevolent humanitarian foundation. I’m glad it’s the Gates because you couldn’t ask for more shallow fragile puppets to go after and scare the hell out of.

Believe me, for all their arrogance they are afraid.

When I read the article and thought about what a significant turn of the tide that represents I just knew it was the marvelous burgeoning world of alternative information that’s responsible. While the west is under this curtain of mind control, other parts of the world are not quite as stupefied and it’s obvious what the West is doing. Not only with vaccines and GMOs but their horrific imperialism wreaking havoc and death indiscriminately in lands they have no business being in.

These outside awake observers are the people who will survive a worldwide holocaust and live to tell the tale to future generations.


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