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Laura Bruno, ADVICE: Don’t let anything or anyone get between Mama Earth and you!

Brilliant rant. Thanks, Laura!

TPP, the Pope’s Encyclical, Mama Earth and You


June 24, 2015

by Laura Bruno


Where to start with this one? I don’t normally post WikiLeaks or Jesse Ventura, but this video gives a lot of succinct information about the TPP and international trade agreements in general — definitely worth six minutes of your life in order to have a clearer understanding of the ramifications.


Whenever something like this comes along that’s so huge, so secret and so (Jesse calls it correctly) fascist, we would do wise to prevent rather than try to wriggle out of it once the shackles are on. The TPP takes NAFTA, CAFTA, Codex Alimentarius, Agenda 21, the Monsanto Protection Act, and the Bankers Manifesto of 1892 and puts all of these on GMO steroids to become the Frankenstein equivalent of Mommie Dearest.

Combine this with the Pope’s recent call for depopulating 6 billion people — when, let’s be honest, the Catholic Church has certainly played a direct role in overpopulating and impoverishing the planet — and it doesn’t take too much to see how these globalist treaties could work hand in glove with such “responsible,” religiously sanctioned depopulation efforts by removing environmental protections, food standards, national sovereignty, and replacing those with forced compliance to any and every toxic thing “sustainable” Monsanto, “healing” BigPharma and “energizing” Big Oilproduce. Will there be genocide and thought police with this “new” encyclical? You betcha. Exactly how does an institution eliminate 6 billion people without some sort of “official-representative-of-God-sanctioned” genocide? That’s 6/7 of the population on the chopping block with a self-appointed spiritual hierarchy determining who lives and who dies. The same institution that brutally demonized and destroyed indigenous, Nature loving cultures across the world now wants us to recognize and honor its Pope as Father of a One World “Earth-based” religion?!

This “populist Pope” calling for an end to income inequality isn’t offering up the vast land and resources confiscated and appropriated by the Catholic Church? He just wants income redistribution from little guy to smaller guy so we can “save the planet”? Excuse me while I vomit in my compost pile. At least that has real potential to regenerate something.

Please see Ann K’s exploration/compilation of interpretations of the new encyclical. She remains curious, and that’s likely a good place to hover; however, I personally believe that a true reconnection with the planet involves — gasp! — directly reconnecting with Mother Earth without the “Holy Father” Pope or any other person or organization inserting himself or itself in between us and the planet. Whatever happened to direct spiritual experience and primacy? Oh, right! That’s way too threatening to anyone who would maintain mass control, because once people start having primary experiences with the Divine in all His and Her forms, we’ve got no need for organized top-down anything. Once people embrace the Mystery with a capital M, all those dogmas, rules and regulations begin to look silly, controlling and worst yet: optional.

Now perhaps you see why growing your own food, walking in Nature, and hugging trees are so radical (rooting) and empowering. And maybe the military-industrial complex’s insane uptick in the War on Nature (i.e. Olympic Peninsula, the Grand Canyon, and more) makes sense in this larger context. When humanity aligns with Mother Earth, we can shake off the patriarchal control BS like the parasites and fleas they are, returning to natural harmony and the real Matrix (which comes from “Mother,” not some computer simulated “reality” — talk about a co-optation! “The Matrix” films brilliantly got all the “awake” people actively asserting their desire to “exit” “The Matrix,” when reconnection to the original Mother is the very thing that would give humanity a viable reset. All the “awake” people want to take a different colored pill than the sleeping people, because Goddess forbid you just “be,” without any interference of pills. Oh, yeah, and “reality” is a horrible, grim place unless you escape to “Zion.” Those films were the biggest psyop and limited hangout of our times, but I digress into a flaming Fire Faery fit…. )

In any case, if you want to free yourself and free this planet, don’t let anyone or anything get between you and our planet. That’s your relationship to have with Earth, Sea and Sky — directly, not through a computer screen or your cell phone camera. Get out there and immerse yourself in Nature. Engage your senses, even your Spidey senses, so you can hear, feel, see, taste, touch and spontaneously know the secrets Nature wants to share. If Nature wants to keep them secret, then learn to embrace the Mystery.

Anyone trying to co-opt this primal connection needs some lessons from the Elementals!

Air is the breeze through the trees and the tornado.

Fire can warm your home or burn it to the ground.

Water can quench thirst, or destroy everything in its tsunami path.

Earth can grow food or bury all in an avalanche or volcanic ash.

Respect, Not Control.

Because Nature always bats last, and She doesn’t need Monsanto or the Pope to win.

You are part of Nature, and neither do you.

Honor your Mother and Blessed Be.

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