Whenever, walking through a forest, I see a dead or dying, uprooted or lightning-blackened tree leaning into, supported upright at an angle by the crook of the fork of another tree, my heart swells. These moments of perception of one tree helping another feel both poignant and timeless.
Let us learn from forest ecosystems.
Thanks to Sophia for this video! From my notes:
Trees shuffle carbon and nitrogen back and forth depending on who needs it. They are not Darwinian individuals competing for survival of the fittest. Trees interact with each other, to help each other survive. Fungi connect one tree to another, by wrapping around the roots.
Gigantic mother trees are dominant, probably networked with all the trees around them.
All the parts of the forest work together, much like the biosphere, much like our brains. In neural networks, neurons send messages back and forth and build on it. Likewise, trees send carbon back and forth from one another and build on it. The structural diversity of the forest gives it resilience to withstand unexpected events.
Our forest practices pay no attention to mother trees. We cut down dying mother trees for two by fours without giving them a chance to give back to their community. Dying mother trees pass the wand from one generation to the next — if we allow it to happen . . .