A few weeks ago I subscribed to Lada Ray’s reports, and I must say, I’ve been “impressed.” Not just by what appears to be her wealth and depth of knowledge about whatever she chooses to discuss, but by the accuracy of her predictions as well. She seems well, “light years” ahead, or aside, or somehow “other” than other analysts. And she makes no bones about it. But for some reason, I not tempted to cite her for arrogance or bragging. Not sure why. Maybe it’s because she does seem to be coming from somewhere else? And guess what? She says she is! Here, deep within her new, deeply informative, report on Greece and beyond —
Greferendum Domino Effect? Revolution Coming? The Future of Europe and Eurasia?
— are a few paragraphs that let us in on what seems to be her secret:
My prediction remains the same (as usual, I don’t deviate from my predictions and they as a rule always come true, including dates and numbers). Sure, I am still only human, but I think my track record speaks for itself.
Unfortunately, some prefer to argue with me about my predictions. It happened in 2012 and 2014. Every time, I simply suggest people wait till the event or outcome predicted takes place.
So far, I don’t recall ever being wrong and those who argue with me being right. The thing is: I don’t look at what MSM says or politicians do – I capture the prevailing quantum (cosmic) energy leading to the event and determine its likelihood on quantum plane, not on 3D plane. But this it a topic for another discussion, which we may have eventually.
Many readers understand what I am talking about when I tell them things like that. However, those few who don’t want to hear about cosmic energy and quantum stuff, preferring only things they can touch and see with their own eyes, I have a solution for you. Simply look at my tangible, for all to see, predictions track record. You can go to PREDICTIONS for that, although the list is incomplete (a more complete and organized version may appear one day, time allowing, on LadaRay.info). Then you can decide who and what you should listen to and believe.
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