Just the titles alone throw this post into the stratosphere. But remember: both Fulford and Wilcock rely on unnamed “insiders,” so might be controlled in some way, knowingly or unknowingly drawing sheeple down some kind of (thorny?) primrose path. So: Info or disinfo or a mixture of both? Probably both, as usual. In any case, very intertaining, and possibly at least somewhat instructive. Certainly fits with the amazing astrology of this month.
First read this:
Benjamin Fulford: Confusion and Chaos at Highest Levels of G7 Governments as Revolution Begins
And then this (make sure to read all the way through last update, at 6:05 AM this morning):
David Wilcock: 100 spheres, the size of either Neptune or Jupiter, entered our solar system in the last 2-3 years
Here’s an ancient Egyptian rendition of what might be the “blue aviary” people cited in the above article.
If, as Wilcock says, the Blue Aviary people are identical with RA, that to me, is reassuring. I’ve got the entire RA Law of One book set here, have read the whole thing twice, and will read it again. Unusual, since I only very rarely read channeled material. (Just can’t stomach most of it. My eyes glance off the page.) I’d put the RA books right up there with Jane Roberts’ Seth material, and Barbara Marciniack’s Pleiadian material, and the Hathors, through Tom Kenyon.