Yesterday, it was only 320 . . .
A big thanks to American Kabuki for labor-intensive sleuthing. What it all means is still up for grabs . . . On the religion front, unfortunately, the Archbishop of Canterbury, a rare breathe of fresh air, has just resigned. Which reminds me: a reader commented that maybe the way we will know what all these resignations mean is to see who’s put in their place. Matt Taibbi gives us one indication that it’s business as usual for Goldman Sachs, despite their 2.2 billion dollar drubbing since the eloquent whistle-blower NYT op-ed. In any case, more of us need to be looking in dusty corners, seeing patterns where none were visible before, proving to ourselves that the corporatized American educational conditioning machine failed to drum out our native curiosity and aliveness. The more we allow the scales to fall from our eyes, the freer we feel, the more energy moves through us, the greater our capacity for authentic self-expression. This is crucial. As a revered elder in astrology, Dane Rudyhar, used to say (I paraphrase): “If you don’t express your nature then there’s a hole in the universe where you’re supposed to be.”
Thanks to for notice of this final update.
A Final Broken Piggy Bank Report from American Kabuki… 354!!!
We surely appreciate what American Kabuki has put out the last couple of weeks. This is huge. I’ll post the link, and just a bit of what AK has to say about it.
Here’s the link.
FINAL UPDATE 3/15/12, This is the last update on banker resignations for a while. I’ve made my point. I’m in danger of giving myself carpal-tunnel syndrome with all the clicking and pasting. I may make another post at the end of the 2nd quarter and I will pull that data from the Edgar database at the SEC. It won’t have much of the UK data – but its a far more efficient way to get this data. I didn’t know it existed when I started. I learned all kinds of things about banking I never knew before! Perhaps there is an online database for the UK somewhere too. I may post some statistical analysis and graphs on this existing data. If you want to copy this data and use to continue this research, feel free to do so as long as you say a portion of it came from American Kabuki and promise to share the results with this blog so we can share it with the world.
If you enjoyed what I have done for the past month, please click the click on one of my fine ad sponsors! The money will help pay for my kid’s high school trip to Europe this summer. If you’ve been foreclosed, perhaps an bank or lawyer ad. If you’re an out of work banker, then click on a job search ad! I don’t really know what brew of ads Google is serving up on these pages and it probably differs by region you are in. Thought it was better to run straight up ads than survivalist dooms day ads (we have such a bright future ahead once we get through this rough patch) or beg for money like a Sarah MacLaughlin endangered pet video. Just not into that kind of manipulation – you folks are better than that and deserve better. I’ll probably remove the ads altogether before long anyway.
Love and Peace,
American Kabuki
Special thanks to Gabriel at for tracking Insurance, Government and Healthcare Resignations. Also special thanks to Sophie who has kept me very busy with some very good URLs.