“Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn’t then it is of no use to us.” ― Carlos Castaneda
Like many in my generation, I’ve long been a fan of Carlos Casteneda‘s books about the Yaqui warrior and shaman Don Juan — though at the time I read them I found some of his remarks mystifying.
Also, sometime in the early ’70s, I read Colin Wilson’s The Mind Parasites, and shuddered with unconscious recognition.
Later, during the early ’80s, for seven years I found myself engaged — utilizing dreamwork, processing via my journal and with close female friends, plus astrology — in the Jungian work of penetrating the layers of the deeply buried emotional gunk that the child I named “Orphan Annie” picked up when she was small. Throughout these years of my 40s, I kept having nighttime dreams of trying, and failing, to fashion an energetic channel between the 3rd and 4th chakras.
Then, one day in 1986, while in San Francisco, I happened to trade an astrology session with a session by a massage therapist. While on the table, at one point she placed her hand on my solar plexus and — apparently!— sent energy into it. Within a few seconds my entire body was convulsing, throat howling and legs thrusting out over and over in an explosive orgy of letting go of whatever had been damned up in there for a lifetime. She kept her hand there for the duration, until the energy release finally quieted down.
I’ve never experienced anything like this core physical/emotional unbinding of that fearful little girl, before or since. And the result was utterly transformative. From then on, I could feel my heart and its chakra beginning to open. And though I needed to work through all sorts of remnant ego dramas related to that opening, it has never entirely closed. So grateful!
In that spirit, I find the following article deeply, clearly, and concisely TRUE.
The Unmasking of an Archon
April 7, 2015
by Elva Thompson
“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so…
Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal.” Carlos Castaneda.
The Hijacking of a Blueprint
There are many illustrations in the ‘natural’ world that show how parasites hack the programme of their hosts and replace it with their own survival mechanism. Take the case of the worm Dicrocoelium dendriticum better known as the lancet liver fluke. To reach the liver of grazing animals it first infects a snail. Thousands of parasitical larvae are packed in slime balls and excreted, and along comes an ant and greedily gobbles up the slime. Once the parasite enters the ant, the hijacking of its consciousness begins. The ant’s blueprint is obliterated by the mind of the parasite and against all its natural instincts, the zombie ant crawls up to the top of a blade of grass and waits to be eaten by a cow or sheep. The parasite has given the ant its mind!
The Cunning Mirror
In Castaneda’s ‘The Active Side of Infinity’ Don Juan tells Carlos that the topic of topics in sorcery is predation by an alien intelligence: a predator that gave us its mind.
Everything is a mirror and if a parasite can hijack the consciousness of an ant, spider, caterpillar or fish, and replace it with its own selfish survival mechanism, why can’t it happen to a human being?
The brain parasite
The Archon is a brain parasite that has hacked our divinity. It has hijacked our consciousness and divided our blueprint to create the illusion of duality, and the separate reality called the third dimension. It has created an illusory, artificial world that is powered by the electro magnetic energy of our unplugged DNA. See my article: Shattering the illusion of reality’.
So let’s take a look at the third dimension and see if we can discover what part of our consciousness the parasite has claimed as its own.
The Third Dimension
The third dimension is comprised of the three lower chakras of Earth, Water and Fire: shelter, sex and survival.
The platonic solid of the third dimension is a tetrahedron, a fire principle. The seat of fire is in the third chakra of our bodies, the solar plexus…the little sun. This little sun corresponds to our 10% DNA and the big sun[90%] our unplugged DNA. The seat of fire is dual and divided into Fire rising and Fire falling.
The Third Chakra of Fire rising
In polarity fire rises and it falls. Fire rising touches the fourth chakra of the Heart. It is the great shoulders and lungs of the noble lion; it is the warrior of warmth, tenderness and love. It is divinity in action…and the gateway to our multidimensional conscious of All, the fifth chakra of Space.
The Third Chakra of Fire falling.
Fire falling, dips in to the second chakra of Water rising into Fire, the seat of sexual desire; where the emotions of competition, lust, rape, torture, hate and murder reign supreme…and it is here, we will find the true source of all our problems. The Archonic consciousness creates a constant desire for sex[ replication of its host] and the need for power over others as a means of control. Violence and oppression are frequencies of a dissonant fire field and lead to conflict and misery for the herd, creating fear and emotional distress which is food for the parasite.
This food is called the ‘loosh rote.’
The frequency of Fire Falling has been compromised by the parasite, and we are trapped in its corrupted corner of infinity.
The Loosh Rote and the human farm
The Loosh Rote’ is the term coined by the great pioneer of astral travel and out of body experiences, Robert Monroe. His OBE’s led him to the understanding that the Earth world is a farm, set up for the sole purpose of harvesting the energy of fear and suffering from living creatures.The parasite works by division and sucks off the emotional energy caused by the constant conflict of the game of ‘us versus them’.
As Morpheus says in the Matrix, we are all food batteries…
Killing the parasite
There is only one way to kill a parasite and that is to starve it. It will soon leave if fear is replaced by love…but its a sneaky little bastard…so watch your thoughts.
0 thoughts on “Elva Thompson: “The archon is a brain parasite that has hijacked our divinity.””
Monica Sjöö must be turning over in her grave at the anti-life, anti-body, “liberating” message of this post. People give the A-cons (and they are A$$-cons) way too much power. Even continuing to call them “Archons” or “Rulers” affirms their “higher,” “more powerful” status. They’re the great deceivers, and they’ve got people conned into believing the A-cons have even more power than they do. They’ve got supposedly awakened people hating the natural world, hating ALL aspects of sexuality and sensuality, terrified of anything Goddess related, throwing all babies out with dirty bath water until eventually there’s nothing left. Does a path have heart? I also ask, what does that heart love? Does it love our planet? Does it nurture Life? Or has the heart become consumed by such a victim mentality that it in turn persecutes whatever remains of Life?
What about sacred sexuality? What about kundalini energy or sex magic? What about getting in touch with one’s real desires, which stem from an urge to create life — not just for self-replication, but also through the desire to create beauty and harmony, to merge in watery depths with another soul, to create *with* the rest of the natural world? What about the inherent sacredness of our bodies and of our planet? What about all the other ways of “killing a parasite”? Because yes, there IS more than one way. You can alter the environment of the host, thereby making the host less attractive to the parasite, and you can do this through a variety of means, not only on the mental plane. You can also ingest antidotes that kill parasites, and these can be physical, emotional, spiritual, sexual, magical, ritual, and yes, even mental.
The second chakra is one of the primary creative chakras. Reclaim it, don’t reject it.
Do you really think she’s rejecting the second chakra?
I don’t see any acknowledgement of any inherent value to the second chakra or any honoring of what a reclamation might look like, no mention of the life-giving creativity of the water center. No mention of how the very things most hijacked were hijacked because they house some of the greatest liberating power. No mention of how “loosh” can be reworked so that we summon, expand and then direct our own emotions to empower those things we most desire for planetary healing. If that message is in this post or the one she references, then it’s an extremely hidden (i.e. unintentionally “occult”) message.
I see what you mean, and I also feel that the value of her concise post is what she does say, not what she does not say. You wanted her to supply a larger context for her remarks. That wasn’t her intention.
Everything we say can be placed in a larger framework, which then, morphs its meaning. So what? I hope that my introductory remarks supplied some of the context missing for you. The point is, whether or not its archons or some other kind of explanation for historical, cultural, familial and/or personal oppression, our first three chakras, when divorced from heart-centered awareness, DO tend to devolve towards service-to-self and survival modes, whether as victim or predator. That’s what the mind/body split is all about, and has been for centuries. You, Monica and I — and most likely, Elva Thompson — all realize this and, in concert with Earth’s primal and mysterious aliveness, we are putting our HEARTS into everything we do.
No, I didn’t take any issue with your introductory remarks. My comment was based on observing a trend in her work not to provide the larger integrated and regenerative context. I see that as a dangerous trend, not just from her, but from so many “enlightened” people who tend to demonize the lower chakras. The upper chakras can be just brutal, if not more so, when divorced of their connection not just to the heart but to the lower chakras. Whenever the blame is placed so strongly on the material realm or something “outside” us, some “parasite” with so much more control than we supposedly have, to me it screams of a need for Shadow Work and reclamation.
I meant no offense to you. That piece was just one in a much longer chain of pieces (from her and others) denigrating matter. the Mystery, and the lower chakras without any mention of redemption. It seems the prescribed solution would make John Calvin proud, and I find that attitude one of the most oppressive and life-denying ideas imaginable — much more in line with the A-con agenda than against it.
Yes yes yes. The upper chakras “can be just as brutal.” And the compartmentalization of ideas can be just as pernicious as that of roles we unknowingly play in the gigantic systemic tsunami that is driving civilization (and Earth) toward catastrophe. Agree. Thanks, Laura, for further elucidation.
Thanks for creating space for the discussion. It just really hit me on so many levels as I’ve been writing an article for weeks now about this very thing. So thank you, Elva, for providing the shock and horror to get me to finish it.
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