Spiritual, imaginative, sensitive Neptune’s voyage through its home sign of spacious, oceanic, mysterious Pisces (2011-2026) is beginning to spawn spectral gleamings/gleanings that perhaps were not possible prior to this extended period of Neptune’s subtle ascendancy. Might we, during this ten-day period when Mars/Jupiter/Uranus signature their fiery grand trine, release our usual structured consciousness and sail into the vast unknown? The present March to War is the result of collective consciousness structured in a certain way. Let’s dissolve that death-dealing miasmic disturbance. We can dissolve it, and we must, if we wish to reach the further shore.
So. To follow up on yesterday’s post about diving into the ocean —
“What happens to your heart when you dive into the sea”
— here are three more. First, read through Dana Mkrich’s wonderfully visual way of understanding seemingly conflicting current currents of consciousness. . .
Dana Mrkich ~ The Sunlit Zone
September 30, 2014
by Dana Mrkich
“If we have one fault, it is our tendency to so easily get sucked down into the bottom layers and live from those spaces as if they are our ‘real’ and ruling reality. This not only does not serve us, but we do not serve those layers by living down there.” – D Mrkich
To help us understand the current collective energies, I was shown an image in my mind’s eye. Pictures tell a thousand words as they say so I searched online until I found the closest match:
Source: Kiran’s Science Fair
I found the above pic and thought bingo! Not only is it a visual match, but the words and meaning are perfect. This image shows the five zones of ocean water, depicting the different layers according to how much sunlight each layer receives. The top layer is the Sunlit Zone which gets the most sunlight. The Twilight Zone gets very little sunlight, while the Dark Zone at the bottom of the ocean receives no sunlight although there is some light from the creatures that swim there – and many surprisingly do!. The Abyss is the very bottom – no light, and a lot of water pressure. The Trenches refer to the cracks in the Earth’s crust – trenches and canyons. Despite the total lack of light, life including starfish can be found there.
This very basic description of the different layers of the ocean, feels to most adequately describe the strong, contrasting energetic layers playing out globally and personally right now. Just as all of these layers exist in the ocean, so too they exist on the world stage, and within us. They exist as non-visible, non-physical vibrational waves around us. They exist on the levels of our thoughts and emotions.
In each moment, we choose which layer of the waves to swim in. We make our choice via every thought we think. We make our choice via the daily decisions we make: the relationships we engage in, the news sources we reach and watch, the activities we participate in, the foods we eat, the work we do, the environment we spend our time in and so on.
Just as we choose which layer of the waves to spend most of our time in, that wave layer influences us the more time we spend there. This is common logic: Spend time with happy people, you’re going to feel happy. Spend time with fearful people you’re going to feel more fearful. If your current overall vibration is a match to that frequency layer, then that layer will heighten, intensify and expand whatever emotional story/belief/vibration you are holding. If your overall vibration isn’t in alignment with a particular frequency layer, you will find it very hard to be in that particular layer and will swim like a fish up or down to some other layer where you feel more comfortable.
Right now, all these layers within us, and on the collective stage, are being lit up like a Christmas tree. Every layer is wanting our attention, and has an almost magnetic pull, drawing ‘like’ energies toward it. Down in the Dark Zone and the Abyss, fear is triggering fear, violence is triggering violence, and ancient wounds are triggering ancient wounds. In those zones it feels like the end of the world is here swirling around in a whirlpool of chaos, control and madness.
On the other end of the spectrum, up in the Sunlit zone, there is a feeling of something new emerging. There is a deeper richness and more emotional connection in relationships – be they family, friends, partners, colleagues or people you barely know or don’t even know. There is a deeper sense of connection with your own self. At the same time that there is a lot of density playing out on the world stage, there is simultaneously an increased feeling of lightness and consciousness being experienced all over the world that is undeniable.
The majority of people feel to be in the Twilight Zone most of the time. We divide our time between feeling good and feeling bad. We have hope then we sink into fear. We strive for the light, then get pulled down into the murky depths by some inner doubt or external event.
It seems that the darker and denser the layer, the more power it seemingly has to determine the collective focus and conversation. Yet, we can’t possibly have come here to get sucked into that vortex. Nor have we come here to live in the yo-yo roller-coaster of the Twilight Zone. For life to continue and not just continue but to evolve and thrive, we need to lift our game and swim on up to the Sunlit Zone. This isn’t an indulgence to feel guilty about when so many are suffering. It is our sacred duty and responsibility to live in the Sunlit Zone whenever possible.
Now, I am the first to say that I love scuba-diving into the Abyss to collect energetic information. Just like the Ocean, there is value to be found there. Our shadow, and all that we have swept under the carpets, is in these bottom layers. There is so much strength and healing gained from exploring these layers, yet it naturally brings up our fears. The chaos we are seeing globally is in part our collective shadow being revealed.
A scuba diver gets their deep water gear on, explores a canyon, then heads up to the surface. The archeological excavations you encounter on deep sea dives are profound, but – for humanity anyway – it is not a place to live or swim in for too long. It is unsustainable. Just as plants grow toward the light, so too humanity’s growth is geared to heading toward the light. As much as many fear we are heading into a dark future, it is not possible at this stage of our evolution. We are seeing the darkness and violence clearer because of our light. We are experiencing our feelings more intensely, because of the light. We are experiencing uncomfortable emotional responses to the discord because of our light. The ‘darkness’ is thick like tar, and loud, and so it feels like it is the majority energy on the planet. However, it is not. The light that exists on this planet, and within us all, is now the predominant energy and it will prevail. In the meantime it will also continue to expose and reveal all that lies in the bottom shadow layers, and thus continue to challenge us with how confronting that looks and feels.
If we have one fault, it is our tendency to so easily get sucked down into the bottom layers and live from those spaces as if they are our ‘real’ and ruling reality. This not only does not serve us, but we do not serve those layers by living down there. I am not advocating to stick our heads in the sand. If anything, being in the Twilight Zone and Dark Zone of focusing so much on the ‘darkness’ and the ‘fear’ (consciously speaking, not referring to our beautiful ocean), is akin to sticking our heads in the sand. We cannot see clearly from those layers where fear, doubt, worry, violence, chaos and control rule the roost. From the Sunlit Zone we can see and listen clearly, we can act ethically and powerfully.
From this space, we can smile at someone who looks different, or dresses differently, or has different lifestyle choices, instead of hurling abuse. We can switch off from news that ‘feels’ like blatant disinformation or fear-mongering. We can do as much good as we can, in any way we can, when we can.
Think from the Sunlit Zone. Act from the Sunlit Zone. Visualise from the Sunlit Zone.
A.K. again: Next, check out a recent “scientific” study about oceanic human consciousness:
Signs of “Connected Consciousness” Detected on Global Scale
Our individual minds, though distinct and uniquely ours, may also join with others in a kind of mental symphony that now and then becomes audible against a prevailing background of static. That’s a research conclusion appearing today on the World Future Society’s website. Reported by futurist Richard Samson, Director of EraNova Institute, the conclusion is based on 16 years of analysis by the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), based in Princeton, New Jersey.
Finally, if your separative mind isn’t already “blown,” dare to dive deep, deeper, deeper into time . . .
Tapping into Your Memories Before the Birth of our Sun
Consider that water is fundamental to life. Our physical vessels are predominantly water, with smaller amounts of other, more solid materials. We are primarily a biological living body of water, the same water that was used in the creation of all life on earth. The very same water that was created long before our solar system even existed.
You might want to toss all three posts into your vast inner cauldron of consciousness, let them simmer there together, losing all shape or form. What emerges? Something new, never before seen, or felt, or imagined? Yes?
Allow that.
Follow that.
Our individual minds, though distinct and uniquely ours, may also join with others in a kind of mental symphony that now and then becomes audible against a prevailing background of static.